6424 South Kenneth Avenue Chicago Illinois 60629 Phone 773.767.6160 Fax 773.767.7077 office@stmarystaroftheseaschool.org Office Hours: 7:30AM-3:30PM (and by appointment) Extended Day: 6:45AM-7:45AM and 3:00PM-6:00PM
6424 South Kenneth Avenue Chicago Illinois 60629Phone 773.767.6160   Fax 773.767.7077office@stmarystaroftheseaschool.org Office Hours: 7:30AM-3:30PM (and by appointment)Extended Day: 6:45AM-7:45AM and 3:00PM-6:00PM

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St. Mary Star of the Sea School - Principals Newsletter

June 1, 2023


Dear Families


79 and counting

There are only 70 days until we meet again to start the 23-24 academic school year!


May God's blessing go with us today,

At the end of this school year we pray.

That you keep us safe and give us rest

So, we start again renewed and refreshed.


Full of health, full of fun

Ready to come and learn again.

May God's blessing go with us today,

As we begin our school holiday.


Give your peace and your joy,

To every girl and every boy.

Help the teachers to enjoy the break,

and prepare and plan for the new intake.


May God's blessings await us next year,

To embrace each new challenge without fear.

Fill this school with your love,

and guide our hearts from above.

Full of faith, full of hope, full of joy, and full of love.


Retrieved from: https://www.living prayers.com/children/end_of_school_year_prayer.html


75th Anniversary Pool Party

The 75th Anniversary Pool Party is July 11th from 7:15 PM to 9:15 PM. You may purchase tickets through the school office for $5 per person. Children under 3 are free. No food or beverages are allowed inside the pool area. The concession stand will be open. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.




Mrs. Usauskas

May 25, 2023


Dear Families


School Uniforms

Please remember to purchase your new uniform items from Dennis Uniforms. You have two years to transition over to an entirely new look. I would urge you to buy the new polos rather than the old colors – it will spread the cost over time. Our new polos have embroidered collars and only one style of fleece with the logo. The children will not need vests or cardigans.


New – Preschool Uniforms

This is a reminder that next year, our preschoolers must wear a PE uniform daily. Uniforms are available for purchase at Ray’s T-Shirts, located at 6134 s. Pulaski.


School Shoes and socks

Beginning this August, the children will have an option with their footwear. Students can wear leather gym shoes in solid black, navy, or white. They must be Velcro or tie versions; no slip-ons or canvas shoes will be allowed. Small logos in black, navy, or white are permissible. As always, the children may wear leather dress shoes with non skid soles. White, navy, or brown ankle socks must always be worn.



Two staff members are moving away from our classrooms and other fields in education. Mrs. Bigeck is leaving to pursue a career as a paraprofessional. Mrs. Gersch has taken a job minutes from her home. We also wish Ms. Patrick Godspeed as she looks to change careers.


75th Anniversary Pool Party

Please purchase your tickets for the 75th Anniversary Pool Party on July 11th from 7:15 PM to 9:15 PM. You may purchase tickets through the school office for $5 per person. Children under 3 are free. No food or beverages will be allowed inside the pool area. However, the concession stand will be open for purchases. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door.


Important dates:

Graduation 6/1; Last day of School 11:30 6/2




Mrs. Usauskas

2024 - 2025

UPDATED 2.13.2025
2024 - 2025
2024 - 2025
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© St. Mary Star of the Sea School 6424 South Kenneth Avenue Chicago, IL 60629 773.767.6160 Fax 773.767.7077 office@stmarystaroftheseaschool.org