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There are a variety of ways to make a difference at St. Mary Star of the Sea School. Donations to St. Mary Star of the Sea School benefit our students directly. Your gift allows us to enhance our commitment to the education of the total child. We pledge to help our students grow into individuals, well formed in their Catholic faith, who have the tools to be successful in future academic endeavors and the world beyond the classroom.
A gift to St. Mary Star of the Sea can be made by check.
IYou can make a donation by check and mail it to our school office at:
St. Mary Star of the Sea School
6424 S. Kenneth Avenue
Chicago, IL 60629
Perhaps your employer has a matching-gifts program. Please contact your employer’s human resources department to find out about their matching gift policies; and remember that your gifts are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Endowment gifts are a way to create a lasting legacy of support for St. Mary Star of the Sea School. Please consider naming our school as a benefactor in your financial planning endeavors.
The school purchases certificates from local and national merchants at a discount, then sells the certificates to you at face value. Profits are then shared between the school and yourself. School families can apply SMART program credits to their tuition accounts! Gift cards are sold Wednesday and Friday mornings 8:00am-8:30am in the rectory basement when school is in session, Wednesday evenings 7:00pm-7:30pm in the rectory basement, after the Saturday evening mass, and Sunday 9:15am-1:00pm.
Click >> HERE<< to access the SMART Form
Simply clip the UPC code neatly from participating products so we can earn points and redeem for free educational merchandise. A full list of products can be found by clicking:
Labels can be sent to school or dropped off at the church or rectory.
Office Depot will donate 5% of purchases made from May through December of any calendar year. Use ID# 70031238.
Use the following link (or click amazon) to make purchases through Amazon and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to the school. https://smile.Amazon.com/ch/36-2848256
Have a Target Red Card? Link it with St. Mary’s and a percentage of your purchases will be donated to our school.
Sign up for a Community Rewards Card and St. Mary’s will receive a portion of your purchase.
GFS located at 8146 S. Cicero will donate 10% of your purchase back to our school Use code #2641 when shopping.
Ray’s T-shirts, 6134 S. Pulask,i will donate a portion of your purchase back to our school. Just mention St. Mary’s when you are there.