The hallmark of a Catholic School is its Catholic Identity. This, along with providing excellent academic programs to educate and prepare our students for higher learning is what sets a Catholic
School apart. The experience of faith is taught not only through classroom religious education classes, but through the experience of worshiping God and living that faith in every aspect of the day.
Evidence of Our Catholic Identity….
- Our priests, faculty members, staff and parents work cohesively to fulfill our mission statement by nurturing a strong Catholic faith life guiding our school community to meet the challenges of
today and those of the future.
- We strive to make our Catholic Identity a distinctive characteristic that influences every educational activity and all school relationships.
- Our principal and teachers are committed to forming our school children in the traditions of the Catholic Church.
- 100% of our faculty are certified Catechists.
- Our students reflect the schools Catholic Identity in their attitude and behavior toward each other both inside and outside the classroom. Parent volunteerism is very strong and allows for the
enhancement of academic and faith based programs.
- Each class assists the parish in leading the 10:30am Family Mass once a month. The students assume the roles of hospitality ministers, cantor, and lector.
- School staff members lead by example by participating in faculty service projects and Catholic formation programs.
- In addition to their classroom religious studies, our students experience all school masses, reconciliation services during Advent and Lent, Stations of the Cross, Eucharistic Adoration, praying
the rosary, May Crowning, and music ministry.
- Religious symbols are present in every room in our school buildings. These are ever-present reminders to our students that God is part of all that we do.
- Morning prayer, prayer before meals, and end of the day prayer are part of each school day.
- Social Justice is integrated not only in religion class but in cross curricular lessons as well as day to day activities.